Heat pump hybrid heating/cooling system EcoKomfort

Innovative heating/cooling system with air-air/air-water heat pumps

  • high energy-saving potential through a combined system of a directly heated hot-air-system and heat pump technology
  • basic heat supply through optimize heat pump
  • peak heat loads through directly heated hot-air-system with condensing boiler technology
  • heat pump technology enables proportionate cooling in the summer
  • adaptive cooling power through power-regulated Inverter technology
  • integrated filter unit
  • maximized comfort for every season of the year

Heat pump priciple

Through the use of the heat pump technology and the new NLA-WP, you can now heat your building in the winter an cool it during the summer. But how exactly does this heat pump work and what material is used for its production?

Funtionality: Heating

1. The coolant (e.g. R410A) in the WP-interconnected-system absorbs a certain amount of heat from the environment when air passes through the heat exchanger (evaporator unit, outside the building). The temperature of the heat carrier rises slightly (around +5°C).

2. With the help of the compressor, the gas gets compressed and the temperature increases by approximately 45°C (heat pump effect).

3. Transport of the coolant to the heat exchanger (inside the device, insider the bulding) and delivery to the air in the building that needs to be heated. The temperature drops to around 25°C.

4. Expansion outlet: the gas returns to ist original state (relaxation oft he gas).

Functionality: Cooling

By reversing the process described above, the heat pump cicle can be used as a cooling device during the summer. When it is used like that, the original condenser now becomes the evaporator that transfers the heat inside the room through the heat submission system to the coolant. The gaseous coolant is then transferred to the compressor and through the heat exchanger who then releases the heat outside of the building.

Difference between air-air and air-water heat pumps

Heat pump systems can differ when it comes to where heat gets taken from and where it is transferred to. With an air-air heat pump, heat is withdrawn from the external air and is then transferred to the supply air. An air-water heat pump on the other hand also withdraws heat from external air but this time, it saves it in a separate warm water cicle with a buffer tank.

Breakdown air-water heat pump

The outside device withdraws heat energy from external air and transfers it to the water cicle inside the hydro module. The buffer tank inside the water cicle receives this energy. The heat exchanger inside the EcoKomfort withdraws as mch energy as needed from this buffer tank and uses it inside the building. This whole process is repeated over and over again and the buffer tank receives the heat energy again.